Our Retouching Portfolio

Basic Level
only $2 per photo

Pro Level
only $5 per photo

More Example
Here at Retouch Pilot, we offer expert photo editing services that will make your photos look flawless. We can edit your photos however you want, and we offer a wide range of services, from basic retouching to extreme photo manipulations To see our other photo editing examples, click on the more example button. We think you’ll be impressed by the results we can achieve!
Start Level:
Here you can view our Start Level edited photos. These pictures are edited to the minimum as it is a starting package. To view every image before and after, simply hover over them with your mouse. You can see the difference a bit of lighting can make. The background is more evident while bringing more focus to the subject. This level of photo editing has the cheapest rate of just $0.25 per picture.
If this package does not seem adequate for you, please check out the three other levels of photo editing we offer, along with their respective prices.
Order this Start Level photo editing if you need minor fixes of color and light with:
- Light Balance
- Tonal Range Enhancement
- Shadow and Highlight Reduction
- Exposure
- Color Tone and Temperature
- Saturation
- Contrast Enhancement
- Vibrancy
- Following Up the Style of the Client
- Lightroom adjustments
- Image Cropping
The Start Level covers the very basic fixing without manipulation or any other retouches. If you need a bit more attention to detail, we suggest looking at the Basic level below.
Basic Level:
Coming to an updated level, here you can see our Basic Level edited photos. Additional to the light and color retouches, we focus more on the subject. Hover your mouse over each picture to see the differences before and after revision. You can see the greater intensity of work compared to the previous level of editing. This level is more for portraits and close-ups, pricing at only $2 per photo.
Thinking this is still not enough? Please check our two higher levels of photo editing and another starting level, with their respective prices. Each contains descriptions, so it is easier for you to order according to your preference.
Order this Basic Level for upgraded attention to the subject amidst:
- Light Beauty Retouching (Up to 3 People)
- Blemishes, Scars, Acne Removal
- Teeth Whitening
- Stray Hair Over Face Removal
- Skin Smoothening
- Image Cropping
- Color/Light Correction
- Portraits Retouch
- Close-Ups
- Studio Photos
- Background Editing
- Newborn Retouching
- Liquefy tool
The Basic Level provides your images slight retouches to the subject, such as blemish removal and fixes to the backdrop lighting and color. If you need more changes to other areas, such as the hair, please look at the Pro or Extra Levels below.
Pro Level:
Here you can see the Por Level edited photos. In addition to the attention we give in our previous levels, such as lighting and color correction and slight fixes to the subject’s face, we also focus on the surrounding. Please hover over the given images to see them before and after. Flat hair, or strands of hair anywhere you do not want them? Consider them carefully removed to make our picture look professional. This level also gives your images a smoother skin texture with color adjustments to your make-up, at only $5 per picture.
If this level of editing is not what you are looking for, please look at the three other levels of photo editing that we provide, along with their individual prices.
Order this Pro Level of image retouching to get your image subject looking flawless with:
- Basic Corrections
- Pro Beauty Correction (Up to 3 People)
- Body Correction / Retouching
- Weight Reduction
- Background Enhancement
- Removing Stray Hair
- Slight Stretching Solid Color Background
- Face Wrinkles Removal
- Removing Small Objects
- Clipping Path simple objects on the transparent
- Newborn Photo Editing
- Portrait Photo Retouching
- Image Masking in Photoshop
- Background Replacement
On high-resolution photos, the skin and make-up often look intense and textured. This Pro Level tackles exactly those problems to make the subject more appealing. Find this level too attentive to detail that you do not need? See the Start or Basic Levels above.
Extra Level:
Coming to a level where you need your pictures edited to the maximum, here you can find our Extra Level edited photos. As you can see while hovering over each photo with your mouse, the result can be different from the raw image as per your request. Polished skin texture and make-up, even and sleek hair, wrinkles on an article of clothing can be removed. Not just that, we can also change the color of your lipstick or even your outfit for only $9.5 per photo.
If you do not require all these mentioned adjustments, please see the three other levels of editing that we present above, with their given prices.
Order this Extra Level of photo editing for extensive attention to every aspect, including:
- Changing Colors of Сlothes, Accessories, etc
- Basic Beauty Retouching (Up to 10 People)
- Eyeglass Glare Removal
- Braces Removal
- HDR Effects
- Jewelry Retouching
- Photos Merging
- Several Elements Removal
- People Removal/Adding
- Head/Eyes/Body Parts Swapping
- Creases/Wrinkles of Clothes Smoothening
- Image Masking in Photoshop
- Background Replacement
- Dodge and Burn
- Specials Effect
With a full-body image that you want to submit professionally, you might want a few tweaks here and there. Sometimes an outfit can look different on the screen than it does to the naked eye. This Extra Level takes care of those color preferences without the hassle of reshooting your image. Please look at the Start Level above if you only want primary light and color retouches to your picture.